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Cheer Leadership Tip 44 - The Opportunistic Offense

Remember that time you were new in a role and someone gave you that “insider tip” that made your job so much easier? Go on the offense and do the same for a colleague! When you see someone struggling, share that shortcut guide or little known job hack. Just jump in and help them out!

Inviting Cedric out for a coffee break and explaining “the rules of the game” so that he ramps up more smoothly and fits into the company’s culture will long be remembered by this rookie. You’ll be lauded as his personal MVP when he realizes you have his best interests in mind.

Did you know that, according to research from West Monroe, 45% of new hires have applied elsewhere after a bad day on the job?

We’ve all been there - the new person at work. And I’m sure we all remember that being the “new kid on the block” can be stressful. After all, “a different job means a new role, but it also means many other considerable changes — a different company, new people to meet, a new manager and managing style, a foreign culture, new schedules and a different benefits package to learn. The changes can be overwhelming. Even the seemingly “small” aspects of starting a new job (the commute, who to have lunch with, finding the restrooms) can cause some stress.”

Take the time to help any “newbie” co-workers and show them the ropes. Share with them any inside tricks that will help them excel in their role and acclimate into the company culture. Imagine the impact of taking off even just a little bit of that stress their feeling. They may still have questions or be unsure of certain things, but you taking the time to share the best way to approach a certain VP about proposing a new project, or which coffee machine makes the best cup of joe, or ways that they can impress some of the higher-ups will make them feel more like part of the team versus an outsider. It could be the very thing that turns their bad day into a good day!

This week, I challenge you to brainstorm some ways you can help your newer co-workers to be more successful in their roles. Maybe approach your boss about creating an “insider’s guide” that new hires receive as part of the onboarding process. It could include things like wifi, VPN, and intranet passwords, a map of the office layout so they know where the break room and bathrooms are, an employee list with roles and contact info so they know who to call if your computer goes on the fritz, and even a history of the company or background of the executive team with fun facts or interesting anecdotes. Perhaps you offer Basheer your insight on the client roster he inherited and how to “woo” each account. Maybe you show Trina shortcuts in the software program she uses on a daily basis. All of these things will go a long way in helping them find success in their new roles.

FUN FACT: The word “onboarding” came into existence in the 1970s, but gained popularity in business circles only in the last decade. It began being used when companies started putting emphasis on preliminary training for new hires.


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