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Cheer Leadership Tip 32 - Collaboration Catch

As simple as this may seem, people feel valued when you ask their opinion. Be intentional about inviting Candice, that new staff member or one who typically isn’t part of the decision- making team, to sit in on the next planning meeting and offer a different perspective. Or make it a spur-of-the-moment invitation to your office to ask, “From your experience working with banks in the past, how would we best market to this new prospect?” They’ll be floored and feel like they were the first draft pick because you remembered their background, expertise, and interests.

Often these new recruits have great ideas because they are fresh and they haven’t been cooped up in the conference room repeatedly hearing the same suggestions bandied about! You may even tap in to their potential and identify a candidate for upward mobility—a possible new champion for Cheer Leadership™!

We’ve all heard the famous quote "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Stop for a second and think about the implications of these words as they relate to the workplace. Side note, while most people think Albert Einstein coined this phrase, apparently this is a misattribution.

Sometimes, as we gain experience at work, we inadvertently develop a “know-it-all” attitude and instantly think we know what will and will not work, so we dismiss other people’s ideas and input. However, just because someone is in a certain role or department in your organization doesn’t mean that is what they’ve always done. After all, research has found that the average person will change careers 5-7 times during their working life. So Klaus in Business Development might also have a background in logistics or perhaps he graduated with a degree in accounting. When we get stuck in our routines and mindsets, we end up missing the forest for the trees.

One way to combat this habit is by actively making a point to bring in a new set of eyes and ears. There is value in obtaining someone else’s point of view on the issue or situation at hand, especially since the “newbie” is not bound by any constraints and has no preconceived ideas of what does or doesn’t work. After all, a different background equals a different perspective.

This week, I challenge you to take the time to really examine and research the background, expertise, and knowledge of those on your team. See who might be a good resource to bring into your next meeting, brainstorming session, or informal powwow. You could take it a step further and see who in other departments might offer a fresh perspective to your team. Falling into a pattern can prove fatal for a company, especially in today’s dynamic business environment, so make a conscious effort to keep an eye out for those new, fresh perspectives and ideas that will keep your organization moving forward.

FUN FACT: Another benefit to getting a fresh perspective is that it helps avoid analysis paralysis, “when the overanalyzing or over thinking of a situation can cause forward motion or decision-making to become "paralyzed," meaning that no solution or course of action is decided upon.”


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