Make note of personal matters of your co-workers. The more you know about what is going on with them as a human being, the more you will be able to cheer them on! Be intentional about asking, calling, or texting to ask about other things that aren’t just work related. Questions like, “How’d your uncle’s surgery go, Tyrone?” or “How’s the Little League team doing, Bianca?” go a long way in showing people that you care about them on a personal level.
Did you know that giving and receiving support from others is a basic human need and that having a support system can result in higher levels of well-being, better coping skills, decreased stress, reduced anxiety and depression, and an overall healthier life? What organization wouldn’t want less stressed and less anxious employees?
Life inevitably has it ups and downs. Many US workers have the mindset of “leave your personal life at home.” And while there is a fine line between airing all your dirty laundry at work, we are all human and we all experience things both good and bad. How nice would it be to know you have the support of your co-workers when you mention that championship game your child’s sports team won or that you’ll receive compassion when you mention an ailing relative? Many people don’t feel comfortable mentioning these types of personal things at work and I think that is a lost opportunity to practice “Cheer Leadership™.”
One very simple way you as a leader can start supporting your team is to make an effort to get to know them on a more personal level. Of course keep the inquiries appropriate in nature and maintain reasonable personal boundaries. Forbes has a great list of 10 ways you can get to know your employees better that include playing games, holding a town hall, working alongside them, and more!
This week, I challenge you to research ways you can foster an environment of support among your team. Be intentional yourself about seeking opportunities to get to know your employees on a more personal level so you’ll be more likely to know when they need support in some form or fashion. After all, a support system can not only help them handle difficult situations, it can also create a greater sense of belonging and provide a much needed boost of motivation!
FUN FACT: The book “Stories of Support” is an inspirational collection of true stories, introduced and edited by Sunday Times bestselling author Susan Lewis and shares moving accounts of the exceptional support 5 women have experienced from selfless friends and family.